In my kitchen


Welcome to the best part of my life. I will share here my passion for family, food and feeding them, it is truly feeding a crowd!


Life is short, try something different! R.F.

Fruit Fly Trap in 40 Seconds.

Life is short, laugh more, worry less. R.F.
Naan Recipe

Naan Recipe


Naan Recipe


Why do we say naan bread? Naan means bread, it originates from Central and South Asia with influence from the Middle-East.

We don’t need to say naan bread, just like saying Table Mesa, it’s like saying table table, (Table Mesa is a an Area in the state of Arizona and a few restaurants are called by this name also).

Naan is so delicious, I enjoy it more than pita, though pita is delicious too, I like using naan for souvlaki and to eat with a good homemade humus. It is also a great replacement for quick pizzas as the dough is so soft and chewy.

Here is my version, adapted from other recipes, I do like to use a good quality yogurt for this, and usually use full fat, though I know a 1% or 2% would work also.



1 tbsp. active dry yeast (or 1 packet)

1 tsp. sugar

½ c. milk (warmed to 105° to 110° F.)

2 ½ to 3 cups flour

1 tsp. salt

¼ c. olive oil or of choice

1/3 plain Greek yogurt

1 large egg



In medium size bowl or bowl of your stand mixer, add the milk, yeast, sugar and salt, let stand for 4 minutes. Add and mix the oil, yogurt and egg until well combined.

Using a spoon or the paddle of your stand mixer, start adding the flour 1 cup at a time, adding between 2 ½ cups to 3 cups, you do not want a stiff dough.

Cover and let it rise till double, about 1 hour.

Punch down and separate into 8 balls, let rest for 10 minutes.

Heat a heavy skillet over medium heat.

In the meantime, roll out each ball into 6-inch diameter. Place the rolled-out dough into the skillet and cook until brown on the bottom and bubbles have formed. Flip the dough and cook till there are golden spots formed. Remove and set on plate, cover with towel to keep warm, brush with butter or olive oil and herbs if you wish to.

Serve with a curry, dips or stews. Use as a base for quick pizzas too!

Red Lentil Curry Recipe Here

One Pot Chicken and Pasta Meal 

One Pot Chicken and Pasta Meal 

Red Lentil Curry

Red Lentil Curry