In my kitchen


Welcome to the best part of my life. I will share here my passion for family, food and feeding them, it is truly feeding a crowd!


Life is short, try something different! R.F.

Fruit Fly Trap in 40 Seconds.

Life is short, laugh more, worry less. R.F.
Kid Approved Spaghetti Sauce

Kid Approved Spaghetti Sauce

Sam doesn't like spaghetti sauce, that was the first thing I heard, I thought mmmmm, true, many spaghetti sauces are ingredients thrown together and served in whatever way. Many spaghetti sauces are seriously under seasoned, people forget about the wonderful oregano, the heady paprika and all important crushed red peppers for a kick.

Some know already but now many more will know, my secret in this recipe is the ketchup and Worcestershire sauce, don't ask me why, just try it and see!

So on my daughter Rose’s birthday, I made this sauce and her boyfriend Sam….loved it. He approved and said it would be a sauce he would love to make, so for you Sam, the recipe.

Bon appétit!

Serves 14-18


12 Italian sausages, half mild, half spicy

1 ½ lb. ground beef

2 c. pepperoni, spicy or mild, roughly chopped

2 medium onions, diced

2 red, green or yellow peppers

4 c. sliced mushrooms

6 c. roasted Italian tomatoes

4 c. commercial tomato sauce

1 c. red wine

1 large can diced tomatoes

½ c. ketchup

¼ c. Worcestershire sauce

1 tbsp. salt

1 tbsp. black pepper

1 tsp. crushed red pepper

1 tsp. smoked paprika

1 tsp. plain paprika

2 tbsp. dried oregano

Olive oil


Add enough olive oil to cover the bottom of a Dutch oven or large simmer pot. Add the sausages and ground beef, using a spatula, break up the meat as it cooks. After it is cooked through, empty in a colander to drain the fat.

In the same pot, add more oil and the onions, peppers and mushrooms, cook for 5-10 minutes. Return the meat to the pot and stir well, add the red wine and cook for 5 more minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well again.

Simmer over low heat for up to 2 hours, stirring as needed. Serve over spaghetti pasta or other pasta of your choice, it is also a great sauce to make lasagnas! Ask my kids!

Note: When cooking your pasta, make sure your water is boiling hard, make sure to add as much salt to the water so it tastes salty, think sea water, this way, you start with an already tasty base to pour your sauce over.

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